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Buddha was born in Heladiva - Preface


This opportunity of publishing this book is indeed a great pleasure and is a result of researches conducted for many years. I was not restricted myself to any hindrance, any barrier or was not influenced by any external thinking but was influenced purely by the Buddhist thinking which is free, independent and mindful and it directed me for the disclosing this truth. I had to experience aggressive hardship to walk through the darkness which had covered up the glory of Heladiva (1) and to see some bright rays in it.

These researches enlightened me on the greatness of the artistic creativeness of Helaya (2) (Helayā). It was realized through these researches that the picture which depicted a big gap between the Buddha and Helaya was nothing but an illusion. The inscriptions and rocky creations played a major role there than the books and other documents. Based on all of these knowledge gathered, I was able to stand on my feet and firmly announce that the land where Buddha was born is certainly a very special treasure inherited by Helaya (Helayā).

In many cases, books written in Pali (Pāli) language had ruined and destroyed the glory of the history of Heladiva. Not only that, even the Indian Sanskrit books had continuously chased out and hit Helaya (Helayā) and his image. During the reign of Ashoka, resources of Heladiva were taken to India aggressively using the very subtle plans taught in the Kauṭilya’s (3) Economy. But, the picture given to the outside world was totally different. The traditional writers who were driven by the Indian influence used their writings very positively to lay the foundations of making Helaya (Helayā) nothing but a slave.

Ashoka wanted to maintain relationships with Heladiva to overcome the major collapse he experienced from the war, to gain the King Chakrawarthi status (4) and also to present him as pious Buddhist. For this matter, in India, he constructed the re-creations related to all the incidents of Buddha and also maintained records on them. This made negative impacts on the incidents, places and things in Heladiva which had connections with Buddha and all of them got destroyed. The re-establishment of the methodology introduced for the protection of the Bodhi (Bōdhi) tree (5) which lasts for generations can be considered as something related this matter as well.

The changing of the names of the people and the places related to special historical incidents of the Buddha’s time in Heladiva are done not only in the present day, but also in the past. This act was driven to a situation where these names of the people and places could not be traced and recognized easily any more. The covering up of the reality of a particular incident and replacing it with another is the biggest weakness to be seen in Mahavamsa (Māhavamsa). Sigiriya, Vessagiriya and Isurumuniya were few such places which were victimized by these creations and alterations.

It was attempted to highlight and take forward the visiting of Mahinda Thero (6) as something occurred after the reign of King Dutugemunu. The ultimate result of this is the arrangement of the time-lines accordingly. It is not a secret any more that Helaya (Helayā) was thrown in to a corner of low and permittivity by this act of altering the time periods. As a result of this, even to this date, the impact of this is deeply rooted in the mindsets of the people. When Tripitaka(7) and Atuwa (Atuwā) (8) were translated in to Pali language (Pāli), a special focus was given for this and the falsehood was transformed as the truth. The name of the queen of the King Dewana Piya Gamini Abaya is written in the inscription as ‘Kathiya කතිය’. But, when it is translated it to Pali language (Pāli), it is given as ‘Kathiyāni කාතියානි’. In this manner, the names and the families of the lay male and female disciples of Buddha had been altered and incidents related to them had been depicted as things happened in India.
Though there are facts to prove that some of the Suttas in the Sutta Pitaka had been preached in Heladiva, their names had been altered and because of that their authenticity, up to some extent, had become questionable. But we feel that the facts available to prove their connection to Heladiva are adequate. One incident for this is a news article which says that a Sutta of that nature had been preached in Heladiva. That news discussion highlighted that Sakkapaññha Sutta had been preached at cave Indasala (Indasāla). (Rivira, 2008.02.17). It had further explained that Professor Paranavithana (Pro. Paranavithāna) also had mentioned that Gautama Buddha had lived once there in this cave. (I.C. Vo.I.P.63). Not only that, it should be mentioned that even Mahavamsa Teeka (Mahāvamsa Teekā) had placed a special note on this matter. (Māhavamsa Teekā, Page 443).  There are facts to prove that many Suttas of this nature had been preached here in this Heladiva. But, all of them are not taken in to our consideration here as it is a must to analyze them further.

It is necessary to mention here that a disclose such as Sades Dahan had been dropped out from the Tripitaka. The Vargapoornikawa (Vargapoornikāwa) records that Vibheeshabhadra, the head of the army in Ritigala, was able to attend in to Nibbanav (9) (Nibbāna) after listening to this Sutta. After the Parinibbana (10) (Parinibbāna) of Arahant Vibheeshabhadra, a Dagaba (11) had been built at that place and his relics had been enshrined in that Dagaba. This is evident by the ruins found in Ritigala. It had been engraved in one inscriptions installed at that place. That inscription is as follows,

මහමත බමද ත පුත පරුමක පුශගුතෙන කරිතෙ බද තුබ (I.C.P.21)
Mahamatha bamadatha putha parumaka pushaguthena karithe bada thuba (I.C.P.21).

The fact given in Vargapoornikawa (Vargapoornikāwa) is proved by this.  Many incidents of this nature are covered by the jungles. Because of the false views of the ones who held positions in the archeological field in the initial stage, we have lost our land, the land where Buddha was born. Some are not interested in clearing up the dark shadows that they are covered up and because of this reason they are still hidden in the dark. Buddha had visited Heladiva thrice, the Mahavamsa (Māhavamsa) records. There are some who do not believe in this statement. Hence we cannot gain full confidence over the fact that the people of this nature would accept the above mentioned matter. The research conducted by us proved that the news found in Mahavamsa (Māhavamsa) that Buddha had visited Heladiva trice is something related to India and later it had been applied to Heladiva

I wish to pass my sincere thanks to Venerable Manave Vimalarathna Thero who gifted Vargapoornikawa (Vargapoornikāwa) to the nation  and  his  book  became  a  special  aid  to  launch  this  book.  And I should specially thank Dr. Jayarathna Pathiraaracchi who showed me the fundamentals to step in to this field. During the writing of this book, Mr. Marvin R. Perera, the free media person who used to meet me on frequent basis, had special discussions and encouraged me. A special thank should go to him as well. My heartfelt thanks should go to the proprietor and the staff of the Elation Offset (Pvt) Ltd for their support given always in printing my books very attractively. Further, our honorable meditation teacher Mr. Sahabandu who encouraged me for these researches, my friend P.S.T. Choolawansa and all others who supported me to make this work a reality should be reminded here and any merits I acquire by doing this good deed should be transferred to them.
The Author 

The author at the Nillakgama Bodhigara

1- Diva or Deepa is the island. Heladiva is the island of the people of Hela. Heladiva and Helaya were the name used for Sri Lanka in the ancient days.
2 - The person lived in Heladiva or Helaya.
3 - Chanakya or Kautilya (c. 370–283 BCE) was an Indian teacher, philosopher and royal advisor.Originally, a professor of economics and political science at the ancient Takshashila University.
4- The king of the kings or the emperor of the emperors.
5 - Bodhi tree or Bodi tree.
6 - Thero, Bhikku,Isthivara are the synonymous for the non-lay disciple of Buddha.
7 - The Tripitaka or The Three Baskets is the name for the three main divisions of the Pali Canon: The Basket of Discipline (Vinaya Pitaka), The Basket of Discourses (Sutta Pitaka) and The Basket of Philosophy (Abhidhamma Pitaka).
8 - These are commentaries; Tika and Tippani were developed as sub-commentaries for Atuwa (Atuwā).
9- This is the ultimate goal of the Buddhist.
10 - The death or the passing away of an Arahanth.
11 - The Dagaba,Chaithya, Stupa, Thupa, Seya are the synonymous used to denote the architectural monument called Pagoda by the western world.
{The English translation of 'බුද්ධෝත්පත්තිය හෙළදිවයි' (Buddha was born in  Heladiva) - Part – 1}

Translated by Amal Meemanage ( 

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