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Helaya (1) was originated purely from the concept of Punyabhoomi (2)

හෙළය හටගත්තේම පුණ්‍ය භූමි සංකල්පනයෙනි

 Throughout the history, Sri Lanka had used different names such as Heladeepa, Jambudeepa, Ojadeepa,Varadeepa and Mandadeepa. The Lord Buddhas such as Kakusanda, Konaagama, Kashyapa and Gautama who came to these Deepas (3)  had gone back to Jambudeepa, the Mahavamsa records. (Mahavamsa, Classical Sinhala Edition, pages from 43 – 47). The ones who do not know about this Jambudveepa, linked this idea with India.

It seems that this term found on Pela Dhamma  was taken as Pali and interpreted as “Dambadiva”. But still it does not see any connections with India. It is only here in Lanka that there are terms similar to this word and still in use.
When the characteristics of the usage of names such as Dambadeniya, Dambavinna, Dambulla and Dambakola Patuna are compared and analyzed, it is understood that the term Dambadiva does not have any relationship with India.

Based on the arrangement of the Hela signs of sounds, “Jambudeepa” cannot be a name. The meaning of the signs of the sounds of this, which is not a name, should be analyzed based on Nirukthi.

Jambudeepa should be analyzed based on Dhamma.
(Ja) +  (A)  is acquiring a ජම්ම  (Jamma) i.e. a birth.

ම් represents the meaning of crowning and acquiring an egoism (මමත්වය). “බූ (4)   gives the meaning of becoming (උප්පත්ති) which is the result of being biased to the egoism in this relationship. It is the existence of Samsara explained by this. Or in other words it is the Thipariwatta.

This represents the extinction as well. According to this, it is visible that +  (5)  stands for the Deepa which has taken off a birth, has taken off the flagging of the egoism and has uprooted the surrounding nature of the features of Bava such as Raga (Lust), Dvesha (Anger) and Moha (Delusion). Hence it is very clear that a sign of sounds like “Jambudeepa had been used only in Lanka.

From the very ancient times, Lanka, which had many different names, was the dwelling place for the Hela people, Helayo.  It’s a fact accepted by the scholars that there had been four Helas in this land called Helaya. But, up to this date the formation of these four Hela is a matter of science taken for the discussions.
Another aspect can be added to the available scientific aspects of these four Helas. And it is not an old aspect which is already presented by someone and has become outdated. It should be analyzed by all as it’s a fresh aspect. The Buddhist should use the wisdom-eye on this.

හෙළේ නගිං දෝං පුතා
අග්ගල කං දෝං පුතා

{Hele Nagin Don Puthaa  Aggala Kan Don Puthaa – “Oh son ! Are you climbing the Hele (the hill or the mountain)? , Oh son! Are you eating Aggala (a type of sweet)? }

This poem is sung when the time we go on pilgrimage to worship the Sri Pada, (6)   the sacred footprint of the Buddha. (7)  It is not difficult to understand that the හෙළය - Helaya mentioned in this “The downhill or the slope”. A term used by our forefathers for ages is included in this. According to this, the deep slope from the Sri Pada Peak is this “Helaya” – the hill).

Four rivers originated from the Sri Pada Peak run through this Helaya and fall in to the sea. Hence Sri Lanka is divided in to four parts,four regions. These four parts were known as the four Helas in this Deepa. And the people lived in this land used the title “Hela” for them. The language used by them too was known as Hela Basa i.e the language called Hela. Because of this the island which had four parts was popular as Siw Helaya.(8). The ones who wanted to show an Indian origin for this ancient name Siw Helaya, replaced it with “Sinhala” and it is clear that it is a very wrong interpretation. The lion is also not the national emblem of Hela Deepa. It was an Indian emblem. That is why lions are sculptured on the top of the rocky pillars made by King Ashoka.(9)  

The lion is an animal whose characteristics do tally with the thinking of Brahmans and Jatilas. The lioness goes on hunting. The lion by forces, enjoys the pray and leaves only the remnants for the lioness and the cubs. And it is clear that it is a lazy, lethargic animal who does nothing for the survival. This quality is symbolized by the Brahmins. King Ashoka too accepted these thoughts of the Brahmins and it was the reason for him to sculpture the lion.

The Hela community in the Siw Hela was free, independent and creative in their thinking, in their will power. They are not the descendents from the lion family. A history of that nature was presented to the Hela person by the writers of the Indian origin. The creativeness of the Hela persons is represented in their emblem as well. That emblem is nothing but the dragon emblem. That can be seen at Rajagala Thanna. The Indians tried to change this situation strategically. As a result of this heritage only, we still can see the building of a Makara Thorana (10)  at the entrance of any Buddhist monastery.

Sri Lanka was called Punyabhoomiya because of the blessings of the meaningful incidents. The concept of Punyabhoomi has been used for Sri Lanka from ancient times following the incidents of the most sacred Noble ones such as Buddhas,  Pachcheka Buddhas(11)  , Arahats and Bosaths. (12)  

For their betterment, many nations who invaded Sri Lanka used subtle strategies to suppress the great identity of the people in Lanka. In working on the plans for the educational system in Sri Lanka, one of the key strategies adopted by the westerners was compiling the system of education of the schools.

Restricting the system of education in this manner for some limited incidents and for certain circumstances, was the main reason for the slave mentality. This situation was used not only for the schools but also for the local educational institutes such as Pirivenas(13)  making serious damages to the Buddhist philosophy.   

The institutes catering to the higher education which were originated following the western thinking too worked towards the encouraging this slave thinking by executing the strategy of influencing the people to embrace more and more physical wealth, worldly things. Because of this background, it was not possible to produce any intelligent mindsets with the wisdom-eye in them and they did not have the ability to realize the importance of the Buddhist history and the Buddha Dhamma. The result of this is the lack of the birth of a nation which is independent, creative and possessed with free thinking mind sets.

Even the educated and scholarly lay people and the clergy who were the results of this educational system did not have any strength to identify the creations of the ancient Hela people. Most of them had a mentality of this nature and because of that the history of Hela civilization was not properly analyzed. This same crowd was very narrow-minded and they attacked the creative people in many ways who go beyond their limits.

The creativeness of the citizens was not developed as the most powerful communication networks such as newspapers, televisions and radios were run and controlled by a certain group of this nature. Because of this, the history of Heladiva which dates back to the most ancient times was restricted to the visits of King Vijaya(14) and the Arahant Mahinda Thero and became a stagnating history. All these things resulted the vanishing the concept of Punyabhoomi in Sri Lanka.

The rituals and customs practiced by the people in Lanka are the evidences for them to claim the heritage of Bosath and Buddha. The most ancient customs practiced at the wedding ceremonies prove that Lanka had the ownership for these heritages. The most fundamental real understanding is the knowledge about the land of the Buddha which was closed up and misinterpreted for all these times and also the disclosing of the heritage of Bosath. When this situation is explained once for the blessed ones who practice Paramithas,(15)  they can understand it well. And also they show keen interest in knowing Dhamma when it is disclosed and analyzed. What explains by this is the fundamental awakening of the second rise of the Gautama Buddha Sasana.(16) Now, this awakening can be seen in Lanka and the reason for it is the claim that Lanka can make over the right of the land of Buddha.

පොරණ දීපංකරව මුණි රජ එදා විවරණ  දූන්                බෙලෙන්
දෙරණ පවතින බුද්ධ පූජා නිතර පැවතුන                     අනුහසින්
කරන සටනට පැරදි වසතු ගියේ දස පෙරුමන්             බෙලෙන්
සරණ දහමේ අනුහසින් වෙයි මොවුන් හට ජය              මංගලම්
(මංගල සිරිත 113 පිට,කොටහළු උපත,පෝරුවේ සිරිත් 51 පිට)

Porana Deepankarawa Muni Raja Eda Viwarana Dun         Belen
Derana Pawathina Buddha Poojaa Nithara Pawathuna  Anuhasin
Karana Satanata Paradi Wasthu Giye Dasa Peruman          Belen
Sarana Dahame Anuhasin Wei Mowun Hata Jaya          Mangalam
(Mangala Siritha (17)   page 113, Kotahalu Upatha (18)  , Poruwe Sirith(19)   page 51)

{May this couple be blessed with the powers of the Vivarana (20)  given by the Deepankara(21)  Buddha in the past and the charisma of the offerings made in this land on daily basis and also the powers of the ten Paramithas which made the running away of the Maara(22) }

This poem is a classic example to prove that the longstanding tradition had gone in to the time period which is beyond our thinking. The Hela person had such a deep vision to memorize an incident occurred in a very long time period of Deepankara Buddha and to bless for the betterment of the newly wedded couple with this most sacred spiritual energy.

The conception of the knowledge over the incidents of this nature occurred in my motherland, they will train themselves to attend to their day today life well and it will be backed by the virtues. Anyone who knows the world will agree with me that a particular nation who had led a life style of this nature cannot be discovered in India. It would be a genuine truth if I mention that a virtue of Buddha, a virtue of Bosath powered by Dhamma can be seen only in this land, Lanka. The ones who are not aware of this may come out with all those nonsense, jargons through the public media. But, their sayings are just conventional views of the slavery which are influenced by the hate and the anger and there isn’t anything important in their statements. Even though they live in this Punyabhoomi, the sinful thoughts originated outside the sea had come in to their minds as something is pulled by a magnet. Isn’t it because of their habits cultured in their past lives? (23)  

Converting his vision about sacred Bosath who went in to Wanga Gira for meditation in to the serenity was the habit of the Hela person. It shows the heritage of Hela culture. Taking that energy in to the life of the Hela person is the serenity. It shows the directions to an important situation in life as follows.

වංග ගිරියේ තපස් රකින්ට නික්ම ගිය අප                      බෝසතුන්
නැංග රථයත් අසුන් දෙදෙනත් අතරමගදී                     පිනට දුන්  
 රන්ද රිදියෙන් මුතු මැණික්  සහ සියලු වස්තුව            පිනට දුන් 
සංඝ රත්නේ අනුහසින් වෙයි මොවුන් හට ජය               මංගලම් 
(මංගල සිරිත)

Wanga Giriye Thapas Rakinata Nikma Giye Apa                                               Bosathun
Nanga Rathayath Asun Dedenath Atharamagadi Pinata                              Dun
Randa Ridiyen Muthu Manik Saha Siyalu Wasthuwa                      Pinata dun
Sanga Rathne Anuhasin Wei Movun Hata Jaya                                                 Mangalam
(Mangala Siritha)

Our supermundane Bosth went to Wanga Gira for his meditations.  The supermundane Bosths are born in Punyabhoomis. This Punyabhoomi where this Wanga Giriya is located had not been identified correctly by anyone.  Most of them believe that it would have been situated in India. India does not have any features of Punyabhoomi. It is only by the Bhikkus who are linked to the generations of non Sri Lanka ‘noise making’ Bhikkus such as Mahanama, Buddhagosha and whose origination is claimed to be in India attempt to prove this which does not really exist in real life. Even to this date, this is done by them with the same interest and passion.

Lanka has become a Punyabhoomi based on certain factors. They will be describe by this gradually. There are no any limitations to anyone to know about this, to get this knowledge by anyone who is really interested in this. “Wanga Giriya is not a place or a region situated in India. The “ Wanga- වංග ” finds here is not “ Waanag- වාංග . This means “The bends”. It also suggests the meaning “ Giri - ගිරි”, the mountains or the rocky area. “ Wangu Sahitha Kandu - වංගු සහිත කඳු, The mountains which has bends” are situated in the Mahanuwara (24)  - Mahiyangana route. “Dahaata Wanguwa – 18 bends” is found in this route. 

This place Wanga Giriya must come under the above mentioned region. That can be understood by the second line of the poem.  According to it, the chariot and the two horses had been given for charity. Then, when these two horses are released from the chariot, they would have stayed at one particular place. The place where these two horses stayed was known as "හුන් + අස් + ගිරිය"(25). Isn’t it a reason for the holiness of this land to be used this name even to this date which was derived from an incident occurred in the past?

There are some evidences which can be used to identify the city of Kimbulwath, the birth place of Prince Siddhuhath, can be highlighted. The wrong judgment which linked this place to India for all these days will be thrown away by this. “කිඹුල්වත - Kimbulwatha is “The body of the crocodile”. This city got its name so as its location was resembled with a body of the crocodile. This structure can be seen in the central hills in Lanka. Anyone goes to the Center of Mahanuwara (26) it is possible to observe and experience this nature. The Center of Mahanuwara represents the “Madya Mandala.(27) Our forefathers knew about this. This is proved by the poems used in the ritualistic practices performed in the weddings (28). That is explained in the below mentioned poem.

සුද්ද සුන් නිරිඳුන්ට දාවූ එසිද්ධත් කුමරුන්                         උතුම් 
මැද්ද මණ්ඩල කිඹුල්වත් පුර නුවර ඉපදුනු                 අනුහසින්
යුද්ධ කරලා පැරදි වසවතු ගියේ දස පෙරුමන්             බෙලෙන්
බුද්ධ රත්නේ අනුහසින් වෙයි මොවුන් හට ජය             මංගලම් 

Sudda Sun Niridunta Daavu Esiddhath Kumarun                                  Uthum
Madda  Mandala Kibulwath Pura Nuwara Ipaduna        Anuhasin
Udda Karalaa Padadi Vasawathu Giye Dasa Peruman        Belen
Budda Rathne Anuhasin Vei Movun Hata Jaya           Mangalam
(Mangala Siritha)

{May this couple be blessed with the charisma of the birth of the Noblest Prince Siddhartha whose father is King Suddodana, occurred in the Madya Mandala in the city of Kimbulwath and also with the powers of the ten Paramithas by which the Vasavarthi Maara  was chased out eventually}

Mada Mahanuwara(29) was the city of Kimbulwath. This කිඹුල්වත - Kimbulwatha” is clearly indicated in Ptolemy’s map. Ptolemy(30) may be or may not be known this truth, but he had indicated it in his map. Following its due heritage the most sacred Tooth Relic of the Buddha resides in the Punyabhoomi, The Dalada Maligawa at this dawn of the second rise of the Sasana of the Gautama Buddha. If someone says that it is not right then he must me a non believer such a Brahmin or a Jatila.  
1 - The land of Hela people. i.e Lanka.
2 - The sacred lands, The Holy land.
3 - Deepa is the Sinhala word for Island.
4 - The Sinhala alphabet ' බූ '  is pronounced as ‘Booyanna’.
5 - The Sinhala alphabets ජ + අ ' are pronounced as ‘Jayanna + Ayanna’.
6 - Sri Pada (also Adam's peak; Sinhalese Samanalakanda - සමනළ කන්ද "butterfly mountain", Tamil Sivanolipatha Malai - சிவனொளி பாதமலை), is a 2,243 metres (7,359 ft) tall conical mountain located in central Sri Lanka.
7 - i.e. the pilgrimage to Sri Pada Peak.
8 -Siw Helaya. ‘Siw’ in Sinhala language is used for Four and ‘Helaya’ is the land.
 9 - The pillars of Ashoka are a series of columns dispersed throughout the northern Indian subcontinent, erected or at least inscribed with edicts by the Mauryan king Ashoka during his reign in the 3rd century BC.
10 - The Makara Thorana or The gateway or The Stone Pandol. Among the numerous motifs that adorn the crafts of Sri Lanka, the mythical figure of makara stands out as one of the most fascinating configurations.
 11 - A Pratyekabuddha (Sinhala : Pase Budu or Sanskrit: प्रत्येकबुद्ध) or Paccekabuddha (Pāli: पच्चेकबुद्ध), literally "a lone buddha", "a buddha on their own" or "a private buddha", is one of three types of enlightened beings according to some schools of Buddhism.
 12 - The term “bosath or "bodhisatta" (Pāli language) was used by the Buddha to refer to himself in his previous lives and as a young man in his current life, prior to his enlightenment, in the period during which he was working towards his own liberation.
 13 - Pirivena - A Pirivena (plural: Piriven in Sinhala language) is a monastic college (similar to a seminary) for the education of Buddhist priests in Sri Lanka. These have been the centers of secondary and higher education in ancient times for lay people as well. Today 561 Piriven are founded and maintained by the Ministry of Education. Young priests undergo training at these pirivenas prior to being their Ordination. (Source-Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).
 14 - The Indian invader to Lanka whose  reign is traditionally dated to 543 BC – 505 BC.
 15 - The Paramitas are the perfections of the heart to cultivate in one's practice of the Dhamma. There are ten of them.
16 - Śāsana (Sanskrit), (Pali: sāsana) is a term used by Buddhists and Shaivites to refer to their religion or non-religion.
17 - The customs practiced in a wedding.
18 - Kotahalu, this Sinhala term is used for the female puberty, attaining puberty of a girl. Upatha is the birth. Sri Lankan tradition gives an important place for this incident and considers it as a ceremony. Many customs are practiced on pre-determined auspicious times. Here what it meant by this is the rise of this particular event.
19 - The rituals and the customs practiced in the Poruwe ceremony . (Read the Appendix for more details).
20 - The Buddha in the present will announce or name another one, a Buddha Aspirant - Boddhisatta, as the next Buddha.  Or one Buddha would announce his propercy over another Noble One who will be the next Buddha. This act is called Vivarana Ganima in Sinhala Language.
 21 - Another Buddha who was living in prior to Gautama Buddha, the most recent Buddha.
22 - Literary this is the Demon or Maara, the Evil. These are actually the defilements which were eliminated by the Buddha at his Enlightenment. The writers, the poets presented them as a person, the Demon or Maara, the Evil.
 23 - The Buddhist believes in rebirth. Things we practiced, experienced in our past lives are taken to this life as well.
 24 - The new name given by the British for Mahanuwara is Kandy. Mahanuwara was known as ‘Kande Nuwara’ Sinhala language. It means ‘the city situated in the mountain’. The British pronounced ‘Kande’ as Kandy.
25 - "හුන් + අස්  + ගිරිය". හුන් is to say ‘Stayed’. අස් is to say ‘Horses’ and  ගිරිය is to say ‘the mountain or mountain area’. Hunasgiriya is a town located in the central region in Sri Lanka (156 Kms from Colombo). Closest town is Kandy and it is situated at a distance of 41 kms.
26 - මැද  මහනුවර  ‘Mada Mahanuwara’ is the center of Mahanuwara.
27 - මධ්‍ය  මණ්ඩලය the “Madya Mandala” is the center point or the place in the center.
28 - මංගල ශාන්තිකර්ම - Mangala Shanthikarmas. Shanthikarmas can be termed as ritualistic practices, certainly based for the blessings of different deities, performed for a particular reason, especially for healings or for the wealth, prosperous status in crops, using many articles such as traditional drums, songs, costumes, food etc. Here it means such practices performed at a wedding ceremony.
29 - The central Mahanuwara or the Center in Mahanuwara, a synonym for the Kandy city.
30 - In Ptolemy’s maps ‘a very big size’ is given for Lanka. There should be a reason for giving a very big size for Lanka compare to the other very big countries in the world.

{The English translation of 'ඉසි රමණ විහර' (Isi Ramana Vihara)} - Part - X 

Translated by Amal Meemanage ( 

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