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How did Shree Paaliyā become Suppiyaa?

ශ්‍රී පාලිය සුප්පියා වුයේ  කෙසේද?

 The authors of Indian influence were not interested in taking the talents and skills of the Buddhist women in Heladiva to the outside world. They changed these names given in Hela language and did their best to assign these talents to the women in Indian. Their objective was to destroy the heritage in Heladiva and by doing so they intended to establish all the incidents related to Buddha as things happened in India. Wansakathas i.e the Chronicles and Attha Kathas i.e the Commentaries were used to deliver a dark picture about Heladiva in relation with Buddha’s time. They had refrained in explaining its reality by any means and this can be very clearly seen in their writings.

After the confirmation of the facts over the enlightenment of Gauthama Bosath (Bōsath) in Heladiva, it can be noticed that a unique strength has been aggregated and it helps to disclose the truth of these incidents. Hence, the facts required to confirm that Upasika (Upāsikā) called Suppiya (Suppiyā) (1) (සුප්පියා) was a Buddhist lady lived in Heladiva can be presented as follows. But it can be noticed that a certain change has been done for her name. According to the Ethadagga Pali (Éthadagga Pāli) in Ekaka Nipaatha in Anguththara Nikaya Upasika Suppiya (Anguththara Nikaya Upāsikā Suppiyā) had been honored as the noblest lady who nurses the patients with utmost love and care. But, any extra information with this regards cannot be discovered from the Sutta. What is mentioned in the Sutta is as follows.

"ගිලානුපට්ඨාකීනං යදිදං සුප්පියා උපාසිකා" (අංගුත්තර නිකාය, 52 පිට)
 “ gilaanupatthaakeenan yadidan suppiyaa upaasikaa “ (Anguththara Nikaya, Page 52)

But there are no any information in Anguththara Nikayatthakatha (Anguththara Nikayatthakathā) i.e. Anguththara Nikayaya (Anguththara Nikāyaya) Commentaries about Upasika Suppiya (Upāsikā Suppiyā). According to the information in that she is an Indian woman. The Atuwa (Atuwā) explains that she had cut her own flesh, cooked it deliciously and given it as an alms giving for a sick Bhikku. The Buddha has insulted this Bhikku for his act and imposed a disciplinary rule, it further reports.(Anguththara Nikayatthakatha, Page 334, 335).

Now we have got the ability to identify this Upasika Suppiya (Upāsikā Suppiyā) in our inscriptions as well. That particular inscription is as follows.

316  " උපශික ශිරිපලිය ලෙණෙ අගත අනගතන වෙදදශ ශගශ දිනෙ " ( I.C.P. 25)
316 “ upashika shiripaliya lene Agatha anagatha wedadasha shagasha dine” (I.C.P. 25)

The Hela name given for Suppiyā was Shiripāliya (ශිරිපාලිය). Or this name can be presented as Shree Pāliya (ශ්‍රී පාලිය). But it has been taken in to Pali language (Pāli) as “Suppiyaā” and this had made difficult to recognize its real identity. Above mentioned inscription explains that this Upasika (Upāsikā) had been well talented and experienced in using drugs in nursing the sick persons. The word “ Wedadasha - වෙදදශ” found here should be “ Chathudisha - චතුදිශ ”, some people say. However it is, thanks to the above inscription we could confirm the rights of Suppiyā, namely she belongs to the heritage of Heladiva. This inscription has been written in such a way that it has to be read from right to left and that is another reason to consider this as something of important. The herbal drink prepared and offered to the Bhikku by this doctor Upasika (Upāsikā), Shree Palie (Shree Pālie) was seen as an alms giving of flesh by the Atthakatha (Atthakathā). The name of the Upasika Shree Palie (Upāsikā Shree Pālie) who lived in Heladiva has been changed in to Suppiyā and taken her Hela identity in to India. Who can deny the fact that there isn’t a great conspiracy behind this act?

1 - Upāsikā (Upāsikā) is the lay female disciple of the Buddha.
{The English translation of 'බුද්ධෝත්පත්තිය හෙළදිවයි' (Buddha was born in Heladiva) - Part – 15}

Translated by Amal Meemanage (

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