කිරිපිඬු දානය ඉන්දියාවට ගියේ කෙසේද?
In the seventh Vagga in the Ekaka Nipātha Ethadaggapāli in Anguththara NIkaya (Nikāya) it is mentioned about Upasika Sujatha (Upāsikā Sujāthā) who was given the honorary title, Agra Sravikā i.e. the one amongst the first lay females disciples of the Buddha who found the refuge of Dhamma. It is mentioned as "සුජාතා සේනානීධීතා - Sujatha Senanidheeta (Sujāthā Senānidheetā) " . In the footnote it is given as "සේනියධීතා - Seniyadheetā ". This name frequently takes the memory of the Buddhists to the village called Senāni situated in the region called Uruwela. It’s a very strange thing for these names of villages to be found not only in India, but also in Heladiva.
A village and a Wewa (1) called Uruwela Mandala is situated eight miles away from Monaragala on the south-east direction, the chronicles report. And also they say that this Wewa had been reconstructed by Parakramabahu the Great. In addition to this, another village called Uruwela had been situated near the banks of Kalāoya. King Subha had constructed a Vihara called Walli at this place. This Uruwela is mentioned in the Deepavamsa as well. This village called Uruwela situated near Kalāoya is historically important than the village called Uruwela situated in Monaragala. It is amazing to see that there are inscriptions carrying the names similar to Sujatha (Sujāthā) within the vicinity of this village called Uruwela. But it is not a strange thing for the ones who know the real birth place of the Buddha.
The inscription which carries this name is as follows.
989. "බරත සුඣත කරිත ලෙණනි" ( I.C.P. 77)
989. "baratha sujatha karitha leneni” ( I.C.P. 77)
Here, the term “බරත-Barath” has been used for Sujatha (Sujāthā) as she was a special lady. This is a very special term in the Hela language. Offering milk rice for Buddha was the reason for this specialty, we assume. Preparing milk rice using cow milk was a custom practiced in the ancient Heladiva. A well developed dairy farming system which enabled a custom of this nature was spread in this area. Another inscription which confirms this is as follows.
990. " ගොට කබොCèයන පරුමක ගොපලහ
බරිය උපශික චිතය ලෙණෙ ශගශ " ( I.C.P. 77)
990. " gota kabojiyana parumaka gopalaha
bariya upashika chithaya lene shagasha " ( I.C.P. 77)
The meaning of this is that the four type of disciples (2) lived in the time of the Buddha were very religious and even the Upasika (Upāsikā) had offered the caves for the use of Sanga.
The Buddhist history says that there had been three Kashyapa brothers lived in Uruwela. Its proved by the inscription that they had lived in Heladiva. The inscription which confirms this is as follows.
995 " බත කශබහ දො ලෙණහි අගත අනගත චතුදිශ ශගශ " ( I.C.P. 77)
995 " batha kashabaha do lenehi agatha anagatha chathudisha shagasha " ( I.C.P. 77)
The term “බත -bath” has been used here to explain that a group of brothers called Kashayapa had really lived here. Doesn’t this then prove that the alms giving of milk rice was offered to Buddha here in this Heladiva?
The Buddha sees Uruwela as follows ( Sin.Majjhima Nikāya,O.Ariya.Pa.Su. Page 168)
“ The village called Senāni in Uruwela is possessed with a fascinating forest, a river with a nice ferry with white river banks and also a village for food and other needs. I felt thus.
“ This land is charming and very attractive, indeed. The forest area is very admirable. The beautiful river with white sand flows through the ferries. What is situated next is the village for food and other needs. This place, indeed, is suitable for a noble man whose interest is the noble practice. Oh, Bhikkus, that it was me who felt that this place is suitable for the noble practice and I stayed there”
1 - A man made huge water reservoir.
2 - Bhikku,Bhikshuni,Upāsaka and Upāsikā
{ The English translaton of 'බුද්ධෝත්පත්තිය හෙළදිවයි' (Buddha was born in
Heladiva) - Part – 19}
Translated by Amal Meemanage (amalmeemanage@gmail.com)
Translated by Amal Meemanage (amalmeemanage@gmail.com)
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