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This Heladiva is the Dharmadeepa. Isn’t this the Punyabhumiya where Buddha was born?

ධර්මද්වීපය වූ මෙම හෙළ දෙරණ බුදුරදුන් උපන් පුණ්‍ය භුමිය නොවේද?

The commonly accepted theory that all the Buddhas are born in India – is it a must to happen in that manner? Following the teachings of Buddha, can we agree with the genuineness of a theory of that kind? It is necessary for us to find answers for these questions. “All the Sanskara Dhammas are impermanent” is the teaching of the Buddha. Based on that, above mentioned statement cannot be taken as a true statement.  After the end of this world, Kalpa Vinaasha, can we think of a structure which similar to this world? This is actually something that we cannot believe in. This world is subjected to change day by day. It’s a crystal clear truth that a theory of this nature will not go hand in hand with the teachings of the Buddha.
We can assume that a theory of this nature had been established to satisfy the need of building a relationship between all the Buddha related incidents with India. If Lanka and India are compared well and analyzed deeply, who would say that Lanka is not the ideal land to happen all the incidents related to Buddha?
The way of life of the Bhikkus in the caves situated in the monasteries adds more value to the history of Sasana (Sāsana) in the Buddha’s time. There are many such monasteries here in Lanka which were dwelled by the Bhikkus who stepped on to the path of Nibbana (Nibbāna), i.e. the supreme bliss taught by Buddha Dhamma. A very systematic methodology adopted to offer such caves to the Buddha and to his great disciples, the great Sanga, can be seen only in Lanka. Thanks to the art of writings on the rocks, inscriptions, the attempt made by Ashoka to suppress the great journeys made by Buddha and his great disciples, Sanga, for the betterment of the people of Lanka by the journey of Mahinda Thero became totally fruitless. I would like to present some of those inscriptions here. There are some special ones among them. Extra consideration is paid for those inscriptions which were written for the cave-offerings for Buddha.

" බගවත ගොතම ශමණෙ මොගලි                             bagawatha gothama shamane mogali
පුත තෙරහ ශරිපුත තෙරහ පූශ                                     putha theraha shariputha theraha poosha
තෙර පුන තෙරහ ශදි විහරිය අගත                              anagatha chathu disha shagasha dine parumaka
අබය පුත පරුමක එරක " (සෙ.කි.අ.ප. 42 පිට)           abaya putha parumaka eraka” ( page 42)

Meaning:            Eraka, the son of Parumaka Abaya offered (this cave) for all the Sangas namely Mugalan Thero, Sariyuth Thero, Pusha Thero, Punna Thero lived with the Buddha Bagawath Gauthama who come from all four directions. ( Page 42)


-" ගොතම ශමණෙ බඩකරික අනද                                “gothama shamane badakarika anada
තෙරශ ච පුණ තෙරශ පුශ තෙරශ                                  therasha cha puna therasha pusha therasha
අගමගශ ලෙණෙ මනප දශන නම                                 agamagasha lene manapa dashana nama
අගත අනගත චතුදිශ ශගශ "                                          agatha anagatha chathudisha shagasha” 
(ඔ.යු.හෙ.හු. 7.8)                                                            (

Meaning:            The cave called Manapa Darshana which belongs to the chief disciples of the Buddha such as Ananda Thero – the guardian of Dhamma of Gauthma Buddha, Punna Thero, Pusha Thero is offered for the Sangas coming from all the four directions who are present and not present (here). ( 7,8)


-" පරුමක අබය පුත තිශහ නවිකහ ලෙණෙ                     “parumaka abaya putha thishaha navikaha lene
ගොතම ශමණෙ  කරපිත " (ද.බු.සි.පි.ම.51)                       gothama shamane  karapitha” (

Meaning:            The cave of Tissa - the naval chief, the son of Parumaka Abaya was built for Gauthma Buddha. ( 51)


-" බත තිශ ගුතහ ලෙණෙ ගොතම ශමණෙ                                “batha thisha guthaha lene gothama shamane
ශමණෙ පතිට පිතෙ  " ( ගලගෙදර  බගවා ලෙණ)     shamane  pathita pithe” (Cave Bagawa in Galagedara)

Meaning:            The Cave of Tissa Guttha, the attendant, wais built for Gauthama Buddha.(Baghava cave in Galagedara)


-" චොරිකය මහ රCOහ  මහ  ලෙණෙ  ගොතම        “chorikaya maha rajaha maha lene gothama
ශමෙණෙ  පතිට පිතෙ  " (මුල්ලුකොඩුලුමලෙයි)       shaman pathita pithe”  (Mullukodulumalai)

Meaning:            The great cave of the great King Chorikiya is built for Gauthma Buddha. (Mullukodulumalai)


" උපශක පුඩශහ ලෙණෙ ගොතම ශමණෙ                 “upashaka pudushaha lene gothama shaman
දිනි පරුමක වෙලහ  ච ගමික වණ තිශහ                     dini parumaka welaha cha gamika wana thishaha
ච ගමික වලුහ ච උපලය පතිට පිතෙ  "                        cha gamika waluha cha upalaya pathita pithe”
(බු.වැ.වඩිනාගල.සෙ.4)                                               (Bu.Wa.Wadinaagala.Se. 4)

Meaning:            The cave built by Parumaka Wela, Gamika Warna Tissa, Gamika Walluka and Upalayaa was offered for Gauthma Buddha.(

" ගපති තිශ පුත පරුමක උතරශ ලෙණෙ                    “gapathi thisha putha parumaka utharasha lene
ගොතම නම ශමණෙ පතිටපිතෙ  "                                                gothama nama shamane pathitapithe ”
(බු.වැ.වඩිනාගල.සෙ.4)                                                    (Bu.Wa.Wadinaagala.Se. 4)

Meaning:            The cave of Parumaka Uthara, the son of Tissa - the chief of the house, was built for Buddha. (


" පිත මහ රCOහ බඩකරික පරුමක ශුමන පුත  pitha maha rajaha badakarika parumaka shumana putha
පරුමක චෙමශ  ලෙණෙ රCOතිශහ රCOයශි              parumaka chemasha lene rajahathishaha rajahayashi
නියතෙ අගත අනගත බගවත සගස "         niyathe agatha anagatha bagawatha sagasa( Sithul Pawwa)
(සිතුල් පව්ව)

Meaning:            The cave of Parumaka Chemasha who is the son of Parumaka Shumana – the treasurer of the great King Panitha was certainly offered by the Queen of Tissa for The Nobal One and his Sangas coming and not coming (Sithulpawwa).

These inscriptions are evident for the offerings of caves by the people lived in the ancient times for the use of the Buddha and his great disciples, Maha Sanga. Aren’t they? This particular system cannot be observed in any country in the world. Though there are enough of rich texts of this nature which can be used by anyone to identify the places that Buddha had lived in, they are still mislead by the Indian influence. Even the Pali (Pāli) scripts which are considered as something brought to Heladiva in the visit of Mahinda Thero, had been developed really only after his visit to Helabima following the inscriptions and with the help of the minister Aritta. This can be identified from Mahavamsa (Mahāvamsa) itself.

The members in the Bamana clang (බමණ වංශය) also had offered the caves for the Buddha and his great disciples, Sanga. There are some who are interested in making wrong interpretations for them as a group of people came from India. We have found facts from inscriptions that the people of this Bamana clang had lived in the ancient Heladiva. Even the members in the Bamana clang such as Sāriputhra and Moggallāna (1) were not the ones having connections with India, but were the members in the ‘Bamana’ clang lived in Heladiva, the inscriptions record.
 1                     "ශගශ බමණ මෙගලි පුත පරුමක මCOම

                          පුත දතහ ලෙණෙ" (සෙ.කි.අ.ප.ක්‍ර. 52)

      “shagasha bamana megali putha parumaka majhama

       putha dathaha lene” (Se.Ki.A.Pa.Kra. 52)

  2                     " බමණ කනක තුබෙ ගොතම නම ශමෙණෙ

                             පතිට පිතෙ"  (බරන්දර)

       "bamana kanaka thube gothama nama shamene

        pathita pithe ” (Barandara)

  3                     " බමුණ මිශ කුට ගොතම ශමෙණෙ අගත

                            අනගත චතුදිශ ශගශ" (සෙ.කි.අ.ප.ක්‍ර. 28)

       “bamuna misha kuta gothama shamene agatha

        anagatha chathudisha shagasha” (Se.Ki.A.Pa.Kra. 28)

  4                     " බමණ අතිමත කහ ලෙණෙ ශගශ " (සිං.ශි.සං, 110)

       “bamana athimatha kaha lene shagasha”  (Sin.Shi.San,110)

  5                     " බමණ ශුග පුත  පුශ දෙවශ ච දතශ  ච ලෙණෙ ශගශ" (සිං.ශි.සං, 63)

       “bamana shuga putha pusha dewasha cha dathsha cha lene shagasha”(Sin.Shi.San,63)

There are many more undiscovered inscriptions in Heladiva. Some inscriptions in north and east regions are destroyed already. In the time of Buddha in Heladiva, most of the Buddhist monasteries were located in north and east regions. Most of them are destroyed by the traitors and Hindu temples are built on them.
Above mentioned term ‘Bamana - බමණ’ does not represent the Hindu Brahmins found in India. Here Bamana - බමණ is used to a particular clang called Ādisaala Manthaka (ආඩිසාල මන්G). That is how they are described in the book called Varigapoornikā. If this clang had been originated from India then Mahāvamsa and Atthakathaas (2) would have certainly praised and utmost preference would have been given for them. If that was the case, it can certainly be stated that the Yakkhas and the Nāgas (3) would have kept aside then and made all arrangements to convert the Brahamin in to a Helaya (Helayā).
The main task of the Bamana clang mentioned in the inscriptions is to lead a life of meditation in the monasteries. They developed their spiritual life up to the stage of Sages and focused in discovering the sciences and technologies which could be used for the betterment of human beings. It was their responsibility to discover new knowledge such as the technology for building tanks, mathematics, medical science, architecture etc. They were a group of people lived even before the time of Buddha and they fulfilled their task well, patriotic and very sensitive as well. Not only that, from the time of the Buddha they lived a life which was driven by the virtues taught in the Buddha Dhamma. They could immediately experience the fruitions in the supermundane path as they practiced Dhamma with highly developed minds. Because of this, the leaders in the country did not attend to the administration activities in the country and the country became an easy ‘prey’ of the invaders.

1 - These two noble persons were the chief disciples of the Buddha, Agrasharavakas.
2 - These are the commentaries.
3 - These are the two types of inhabitants lived live Heladiva.
{The English translation of 'බුද්ධෝත්පත්තිය හෙළදිවයි' (Buddha was born in  Heladiva) - Part – 7}

Translated by Amal Meemanage (

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