'The great mountain of Sergamon Borcam (The Buddha) is found in this island. He had ever lived in this country', says The Travels of Marco Polo ( Page - 290)

"The Travels of Marco Polo" written by Marco Polo, Hugh Murry says that "The great mountain of Sergamon Borcam is found in this island. He had ever lived in this country….'. The rest of the chapter describes the life story of the Buddha himself.

This story had been delivered by Saracens (Saracen was a term for Muslims widely used in Europe during the later medieval era - Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saracen ).

The term Sergamon Borcam is an Italian term and used in place of Buddha.  In supporting this statement the article called 'Myths, legends and superstitions of the Middle Ages' ("Miti, leggende e superstizioni del Medio Evo, in Italian language) is also attached herewith. 

In describing the term 'Sergamon Borcam' it says that he is non other than Buddha.

'Myths, legends and superstitions of the Middle Ages'  (The English version of 'Miti, leggende e superstizioni del Medio Evo')

'Miti, leggende e superstizioni del Medio Evo'  


(This blog post was compiled with the information provided by Miss. Subhashinie Kumari)


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