ගමණී අබය මහරජතුමාගේ පුත් කුමරුගේ කාලය වනතෙක් ගෞතම බුදුන් වැඩසිටි සේක (Gauthama Buddha had lived until time of the son of the great king Gamini Abaya)

Who is the Queen of King Dutugamunu? Or who is the mother of Prince Saliya? The chronicles had refused to mention anything  about the queens of King Dutugamunu. The name of the grand father is given to the grand son. It was the tradition. King Dutugamunu was given the name Abaya which is the name of his grand father - Gotabaya. Following this tradition, name of the son of King Dutugamunu should be Tissa, but not Saliya ( King Kawantissa is the father of King Dutugamunu). The name of the son of King Dutugamunu should be Tissa. According to chronicles, Tissa is the name given to King Dutugamunu's brother....

මෙත් බෝසත් බවට ගෞතම බුදුරදුන්ගෙන් විවරණ ලැබූ දුටුගැමුණු මහා රජාණෝ
(The great king Dutugamunu was announced as Maithriya Bosath (the next Buddha aspirant) by Gauthama Buddha) -  Part - 12


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